filipinasJesus said: “No one lights a lamp to cover it with a bowl or to put it under a bed. No, it is put on a lamp stand so that people may see the light when they come in.” (Luke 8: 1,16). These teachings guide the Leader’s work, who takes the light of knowledge and solidarity to the families of his/her community.

He/she multiplies the knowledge and solidarity through three monthly activities: the Home Visit, the Life Celebration Day - the Weighing Day (when the children are weighed and the bonds of friendship among the families are strengthened) and the Evaluation and Feedback Meeting.



The Home Visit is the most personal contact between the community Leader and the families which he/she follows. During the visits, he/she has the opportunity to get to know the family better and to share knowledge and experiences on health, nutrition, hygiene, citizenship, pregnancy, disease prevention, child education, faith, and life, among others. The Leader also evaluates what improvements can be made in the care of children, during pregnancy, in nutrition and in family relationships.

In the Pastoral da Criança (Child's Pastoral) of Brazil, each Leader follows an average of 13 families and works 24 hours per month. Those families take better care of their children and strengthen their self-esteem to transform their lives and their children’s lives.



The Life Celebration Day is the moment in which the communities gather the children followed by one or more members of the families, to be weighed. This fraternity moment is enhanced with the exchange of experience, information and the enjoyment of a delicious snack.

Each community has its own way to organize its Celebration Day. It can be held at the Leader’s Home, in the open air, under the trees or in other spaces and regional food can be served.

The Pastoral da Criança leaders weigh the children in a party environment, celebrating the achievements and searching for solutions to improve the quality of life for each one of them.

Spirituality and prayer are present in all the actions.

On the Life Celebration Day all are invited to understand the importance of faith and fraternal relationship between the churches, in an ecumenical dimension and beyond religion.

Each child’s weight is written down on the Child’s Card and in the Leader’s Notebook. The information is sent to the Office of the Pastoral da Criança, where it is recorded and becomes an important indicator of health and well being.





The Evaluation and Feedback Meeting is one of the workers most important moments of this immense network of human solidarity. It is when the Leaders and the community coordinator of the Pastoral da Criança fill in the FABS (Sheet of Monthly Follow-up and Assessment of the Health and Education Basic Actions in the Community) after the home visits and the community children’s weighing activities have already been completed. This monthly portrait of the community is then forwarded to the National Coordination Office which records the data in the Information System.

During the meeting, the Leaders assess the progress of their actions, using the methodology of See, Assess, Act, Evaluate and Celebrate. In this meeting, they observe the reality of the families that are followed, evaluate the causes and consequences of a certain situation, gather efforts and evaluate which alternatives can help the family or the community.