Monthly spending per child

R$ 2,19

To fulfill its mission, the Pastoral Care for Children needs financial resources. The transparency in the use of these resources, as well as the precise and constant provision of accounts, will collaborate so there is no lack of them.

General Guidelines

  • All spending can only be performed in order to fulfill the mission of the Pastoral Care for Children;
  • Proving, in an organized manner, the expenditure incurred with the original documents and the statement of expenses;
  • Shall render accounts of all and any received resource;
  • A price research is recommended before any type of expenditure;
  • It is mandatory price research for expenditures above 1 (one) minimum wage;
  • All accountability should be reviewed and signed by the Coordination, responsible for the expenditure.

An independent external audit firm, annually audits accounting and financial statements of the Pastoral Care for Children.
The Financial Sector of the Pastoral Care for Children also receives internal audits of public and private sectors, such as Secretaries of State, Court of Auditors, Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Ministry of Health and all projects and programs that require such a procedure.

Independent Auditors' Report - 2015
Annual Report 2015
Independent Auditors' Report - Previous years

Donations for the Pastoral Care for Children


Transparency Portal

Pastoral Care for Children’s financial transparency portal


Financial Statements



International Child's Pastoral

Balance Sheet in December 31, 2015
Balance Sheet in December 31, 2014
Balance Sheet in December 31, 2013
Balance Sheet in December 31, 2012
Balance Sheet in December 31, 2011
Balance Sheet in December 31, 2010