primeira semana de vida do bebeTo aid poor child-bearing women and childrenl, the Pastoral da Criança (Child's Pastoral) articulates associations, agreements and receives donations. The natural or legal juridical persons who want to collaborate with the work of the Pastoral da Criança, in the areas of health, education, nutrition and citizenship, can look for in the nearest diocese where works the Pastoral da Criança.

Donations can be done in Brazil or in an international level, through the bank accounts:

Pastoral da Criança (Child's Pastoral) the Brasil

Bank: Banco do Brasil
Branch: 1244-0
Account 23889-9

Pastoral da Criança (Child's Pastoral) International

US Dollars
Intermediary Bank: HSBC Bank USA, New York
Swift: MRMDUS33
FW/ABA: 021001088
Beneficiary Bank Beneficiario: HSBC Bank (Uruguay) S.A.
In favor of #: 713006137
Beneficiary: Pastoral da Criança International (Child's Pastoral)
Account: 304505

IBAN: GB51MIDL40051559758242
Intermediary Bank: HSBC London Plc, London
Swift: MIDLGB22
Beneficiary Bank: HSBC Bank (Uruguay) S.A.
In favor of #: 59758242
Beneficiary: Pastoral da Criança International (Child's Pastoral)
Account: 304505

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.