The Pastoral da Criança (Child's Pastoral) is a communitarian organization which acts nationally and internationally, whose work is based in human solidarity and knowledge sharing. The purpose of the work is the full development of the child, from the time he/she is conceived till he/she reaches six years old, within the context of the family and the community. This is done with preventive actions that strengthen the social tissue and promote the integration between the family and the community. The institution is ecumenical and is open for participation of people from all religions. It does not distinguish between race, complexion, gender, political choice or nationality. The main characteristic of the Pastoral da Criança is the voluntary work, performed mainly by the people of the community who instruct and guide on matters of health, nutrition, education and citizenship plus basic inter-actions in the communities.

Each volunteer of the Pastoral da Criança does more than just work with the families he/she follows up and monitors progress. He/she has a mission of Faith and Life, of Christian fellowship, love and social co-responsibility, contributing to the construction of a more fraternal and fair world, in service of Life and Hope.