The decision of Federal Supreme Court (STF) about the legalization of abortion of fethus with anencephaly was part of the discussions of the first press conference of the 50th General Assembly of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), on this Wednesday, April 18th 2012. Joining CNBB, Pastoral da Criança laments the decision of STF that decriminalized the abortion of fethus with anencephaly.

The bishop of Camaçari (BA) and president of the Episcopal Commission for Life and Family of CNBB, dom João Carlos Petrini, confirmed the position of the Catholic Church in favor of life. “Even after decision of STF, the Church continues with its activity of conscientization and defense of moral and ethic principles”, added the bishop.

Dom Petrini affirmed that when defending the right to life of anencephalics, the Church is based on an anthropological view of the human being, based on ethic, scientific and judicial theological arguments.

The bishop of Camaçari also mentioned that the STF decided for the legalization of abortion of fethus with anencephaly, erroneously diagnosed as brain deads. “Considering this fethus as 'not a person' is the same as dismiss him/her of the fundamental right to life and discard a frail and undefended human being”, added.

The bishop hightlighted that the pregnancy of a child with anencephaly is a drama for the family, specially for the mother, however the woman that decide to take foward the pregnancy needs the assistance of health organs.

“ We need to argue if the health professionals that refuse to do the abortion will be respected in their freedom of consciousness. The STF did not think about the demands that this decision can result in”, concluded.
