With the aim of strengthening the Pastoral da Criança (Child´s Pastoral) methodology in the dioceses which have the Pastoral del Niño (Child´s Pastoral) in Paraguay a mission was carried out in the country. During this visit meetings were held with the parish coordinators and sector(diocese) coordinators.



The activities of the Pastoral da Criança (Child´s Pastoral) in favour of the full health development of children from zero to 6 years of age has been present in Paraguay since 1994. This country in South America which borders on Brazil was the first to reproduce the experience of the Pastoral da Criança of Brazil.

With the presence of Monsignor Luis del Castillo (Director of the administration council of the International Pastoral da Criança) and Miss Vanderlúcia da Silva(Technical advisor of the International Pastoral da Criança) a mission was held to study with the local church authorities and the Pastoral da Criança coordinator of Paraguay how to strengthen and consolidate the activities of the Pastoral da Criança.

During these days a meeting was held with the parish coordinators in three rural areas and a meeting with diocesan sector coordinators, where it was possible to know about the work done in favor of life which is carried out by the communities accompanied by the Pastoral del Niño (Child´s Pastoral) of Paraguay. The coordinators and leaders of the Pastoral del Niño spoke about the stories of love and the dedication of the volunteers in this mission.

Meetings were also held with authorities of the Paraguayan Church with the aim of

strengthening the bonds of union and to study strategies to increase the competence of this pastoral.

During all this mission Sister Mercedes Duarte – The National Paraguayan coordinator of the Pastoral del Niño of Paraguay, Mrs Claudia Yubi de Heinichen – the representative of the International Pastoral da Criança of Paraguay and Sister Margani Izabel Flach – Multiplier of the Pastoral da Criança International were present accompanying, giving support and encouraging the coordinators in the continuity and strengthening of the work.