A big information network, that gathers and coordinates all the data of the Pastoral da Criança (Child´s Pastoral), is responsible for evaluating all the actions, contributing to define the objectives and motivate the volunteers. Every month the community leaders collect information about the followed children during the Home Visit and the Life Celebration Day. In the Monthly Evaluation and Feedback Meeting, they fill in these data in the FABS (Monthly Follow up and Assessment Sheet of the Health and Education Basic Actions), which is sent to the Coordination Office of the Pastoral da Criança. There the information about each child is typed, systematized and returned to the communities under the form of a Quarterly Report, congratulating for the achievements, warning of risks and instructing on how to improve any actions that have not given good results.

The Pastoral da Criança is present in several countries but the degree of organization varies widely. In some countries, it is possible to provide data through the Internet.

To access the information network of each country, click the link below:

* Brazil
* Paraguay
* Colombia