Leader, in visits to the pregnant woman in the last months of pregnancy, it is good to talk with her and the family about the preparations for labor and the delivery of the baby.
You can ask if the pregnant woman knows where she will deliver her baby. If she lives far away, it's a good idea to suggest that she stay in a closer location. If she already has other children, it is important to arrange for a relative or friend to take care of them while she is away from home.
Also, talk about the types of delivery. Explain that the best way for the baby to be born is by vaginal normal delivery, that is, through the vagina (underneath). When born this way, the baby is born at the right time, is more active, and has more strength and desire to suck colostrum in the first hour of life. These first feeds increase the mother's chances of maintaining breastfeeding and give the baby more protection.
Normal delivery is also better for the mother. She feels less pain after delivering and recovers much faster. With this, she is more willing to take care of herself and the baby. C-sections should only happen in situations where the health of the mother or baby is at risk. It is the doctor who assesses these risks, and the pregnant woman's opinion should always be considered.
At the time of going to the place where she will deliver; the pregnant woman needs to take:
- prenatal care card or booklet, if she has it;
- a document for identification;
- a bag with her clothes, pads, and some clothes for the baby.
The partner, family members, or friends who live nearby, need to know the signs of labor and know where to take the pregnant woman. That way, they will feel safer taking her at the right time.
The signs that the time of delivery is coming can be different from one woman to another and from one pregnancy to another. In general, the labor of the first child takes longer.
Leader, in the home visit of the seventh month, make a birth plan with the pregnant woman and her family, according to the guidelines in card 7B of Ties of Love. This information should be in a visible place in the house and shared with family, friends, and neighbors.
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- The pregnant woman in the 3rd quarter of pregnancy
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- Labor Plan