Most common complaints

Back pain and tiredness

In the last months of pregnancy, the pregnant woman becomes more tired and has back pain due to the position of the spine. Pain in the lower belly is caused by the weight of the baby in the womb. To relieve these discomforts, she needs to rest with her legs a little higher several times a day.

Sleeping difficulties and worry

It is sometimes difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable position to sleep in because of the size of her belly. It is good to advise her to sleep on her left side and put pillows between her knees and under her belly as support to decrease the discomfort. When sleep is also interrupted by worry during labor, she should breathe slowly and deeply before sleeping to relax and improve her sleep.

Leader, you should advise the pregnant woman to talk about her worries to her partner, family, or you, as this generally helps to reduce the worries.

Stuff sensation in the belly

The bloating feeling in the belly usually appears after meals. In this case, the leader should advise the pregnant woman not to drink liquids during meals, to eat little and more often, and to change the preparation of food, making it more liquid or pasty. This makes digestion easier.


If the pregnant woman does not feel the baby moving inside her belly or if the baby is agitated a lot for more than half an hour, she should go to the hospital immediately.

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