In this last quarter, the veins of the pregnant woman's breasts appear more. The belly is much bigger; the belly button may be protruding, and the uterus pushes on the ribs and squeezes the lungs.
Each pregnant woman has a different belly, which varies according to the woman’s physical type, the increase in weight during pregnancy, and the size of the baby.
In the last three months of pregnancy, the pregnant woman should try to work less and rest more. If she does heavy work and gets too tired, the baby can even be born prematurely. Therefore, the pregnant woman needs to receive more help from her partner and family in the housework and in whatever else is necessary.
It is good that the pregnant woman sleeps on her left side. Therefore, the weight of the uterus will not press on the main veins of the belly.
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
- >
- The pregnant woman in the 3rd quarter of pregnancy
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- Talking about the pregnant woman
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Facilitador em UBS e Maternidade
- >
- The pregnant woman:3rd trimester
- >
- Talking about the pregnant woman
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
- >
- The pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester
- >
- Talking about the pregnant woman