Most common complaints

Index. Click on the title to go to the content. Passing Gases, indigestion, and heartburn Swelling, varicose veins, or cramps Hemorrhoid Vaginal Bleeding Swelling in the body and high blood pressure (tension)

 Passing gases, indigestion, and heartburn

It is common for a pregnant woman to experience gas, indigestion, and heartburn in the 2nd quarter. This is because the uterus grows and pushes the stomach and the intestine, making the digestion of foods difficult. It is good for the pregnant woman to pay attention to the foods that cause discomfort and avoid them. In addition to this, having healthy diet habits with regular meals avoids this discomfort. Ginger and anise tea, help reduce passing gas.

For good digestion, some care is necessary, such as:

  • give preference to fresher foods;
  • eat foods rich in fiber: vegetables and fruits, rye, and oats, among others;
  • avoid candies, black tea, mate tea, coffee, and soda, as they cause passing gas and heartburn;
  • eat slowly, chewing the food well;
  • Avoid eating foods that are extremely fatty, such as deep-fried or extremely dry;
  • drink a lot of fluids between meals; avoid drinking too hot or too cold;
  • avoid drinking fluids between meals;
  • eat little each time;
  • do not stay three hours without eating;
  • avoid staying for a long time sitting or lying down.

Leader, if the pregnant woman has heartburn, advise her not to drink cold milk with the medication, do not lie down as soon after meals, and sleep with a high pillow.

Swelling, varicose veins, or cramps

During pregnancy, it is common for the feet to swell. Varicose veins can appear in the legs or vagina. This happens because the uterus weighs more and makes blood circulation more difficult.

To improve blood circulation, it is good for pregnant women to wear looser clothes and eat foods with a little salt. The discomfort of varicose veins and swelling of the feet reduces when the pregnant woman walks and, whenever she can, sits or lies down with her legs up.

It is good to avoid using tight elastic socks and shoes with slippery soles.

Cramps appear when the pregnant woman moves little and when her body lacks some mineral salts. To relieve the cramp, the pregnant woman can sit on the floor with her legs stretched out and try to pull her toes. Giving massages and avoiding staying in the same position for too long also help.

Coconut water, bananas, oranges, and beans are foods that can help avoid cramps.


Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that appear at the end of the intestine. The pregnant woman may also complain of constipation. If there is no bowel movement every day, hemorrhoids get worse and may bleed.

For the intestine to work well, it is good to drink a lot of fluids, go for walks, and eat more foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.

Vaginal Bleeding

Pregnancy hormones can cause a whitish discharge. To clean this discharge, the pregnant woman needs to wash it and dry it well.

When the pregnant woman complains about itchy and bad-smelling discharge, it is necessary to go to the health service for testing and treatment. Sometimes, the doctor also prescribes medication for her partner. When the treatment is correctly followed, the complaints soon go away.

Swelling in the body and high blood pressure (tension)

If, first thing in the morning, the pregnant woman has a headache or swelling in her feet, hands, and face, it is necessary to take her to the health service urgently.

High blood pressure (tension), loss of protein in the urine, and swelling in the body are signs of preeclampsia. This problem can be solved with more attention during prenatal care visits, rest, and medication. Sometimes it is necessary to be hospitalized.

If the pregnant woman does not receive adequate treatment, this can worsen, causing seizures. At this stage, we call the disease eclampsia, a severe problem that brings a risk to the pregnant woman and her unborn child.

Son, if you get sick, don't be careless, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. And he has recourse to the physician, for him also the Lord created. And let him not depart from you, for you have need of his services. Eclo 38.9-12

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