In addition to the information on how the pregnant woman can take better care of herself; she, her partner, and her family like to know what happens during pregnancy. This reduces anxiety and encourages everyone to be involved with the baby from the start. With knowledge of a healthy pregnancy, it is easier for the family to know if something is wrong.
Leader, during the visit, which should happen at least once a month, always give the pregnant woman the opportunity to ask whatever she wants to. Encourage fathers and families to participate in the conversation. Reading the Leader’s Guide with the pregnant woman, you will find a lot of important information about pregnancy.
In the first three months, the woman notices little change in her body. However, she knows it is different: the miracle of life is happening. She is "full of grace".
The woman can feel her breasts getting bigger, and sometimes sore. The areola, the dark part around the nipple, darkens even more, and some bumps appear. These bumps help lubricate the areola.
Most pregnant women continue to lead a normal life. It is good to rest more and take care of the diet. Going for walks during pregnancy improves blood circulation and breathing.
Squatting strengthens the muscles, reduces back pain, and prevents varicose veins.
It is good that you, as a leader, encourage the parents and family to have a relationship with the baby since the beginning of pregnancy. We already know that babies react to certain stimuli in the environment in which they live.
Parents can speak to the baby about what they are feeling. It is good to speak of the joy of being a mother or father. This increases their involvement with the baby.
Leader, if it is the case, speak to the parents about the concern of an unexpected pregnancy. By talking, parents can feel more secure and accept the pregnancy better, preparing to receive their baby.
The pregnant teenager and the baby’s father need to get involved with the baby from the beginning of pregnancy and be encouraged to take care of and raise the child who will be born. Grandparents, whenever necessary, should be advised to support them, but they can’t take over the parents’ responsibility for the baby. As grandparents, they have an important role with the grandchild.
Leader, it is very common for a pregnant teenager to drop out of school. In this situation, it is important that you encourage her to keep studying.
Depart from among you all bitterness and exaltation, all anger and clamor, outrages, and all kinds of wickedness.
On the contrary, be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, as God forgave you in Christ Ephesians 4.31-32
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- The first three months of pregnancy
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- Talking about the pregnant woman
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Facilitador em UBS e Maternidade
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- The pregnant woman: 1st trimester
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- Talking about the pregnant woman
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
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- The first three months of pregnancy
- >
- Talking about the pregnant woman