10 commandments for peace in the family

Have faith and live the Word of God, loving your neighbor as yourself.

Love yourself, trust yourself and your family, and help create an environment of love and peace around you.

Take time to play with your children as they develop by playing, and playing together brings people closer to the family.

Educate your child through conversation, affection, and support, and be careful: whoever spanks to teach is teaching how to spank.

Participate with your family in community life, avoiding bad company and entertainment that encourages violence.

Try to solve problems calmly and learn from difficult situations, looking for the positive in everything.

Share your feelings honestly, saying what you think and listening to what others have to say.

Respect people who think differently from you, because differences are a real wealth for each person and for the group.

Give good examples because the best word is "our way of being."

Apologize when you offend someone and forgive from your heart when you feel offended, because forgiveness is the greatest gesture of love we can show.

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