General guideline cards on food for 1- to 2-year-old children

Family food should be varied and colorful to increase the child's appetite. It is important to vary the fruits too: bananas and mangoes one day, oranges and papayas the next, and so on.

Choose fruits and foods that are in season and from your region that are fresher, more nutritious, and cheaper.

Important guidelines:

  • Foods that should be given to the child every day: fruits, vegetables, milk, meats, cereals, and legumes, which are foods rich in nutrients that are important for health, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Foods that should be avoided: processed foods such as instant noodles, mayonnaise, stuffed biscuits, packaged snacks, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, soda, powdered, or boxed juice, among others. These foods contain a lot of sugar, salt, fat, and chemicals that are not good for your health. These foods should not be offered to children under 2 years of age, and after that age, they should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Avoid fried preparations, preferring boiled or roasted ones.
  • Offer water throughout the day.

 The example of parents and grandparents in food is very important. The child needs to see that they also eat what they say is tasty and good for their health.

At this age, breast milk is still very important. Breastfeeding after the first year helps prevent obesity and other diseases and plays a key role in the baby's brain development. So, keep breastfeeding your child for up to 2 years or more, as recommended by the World Health Organization.

Also, offer the child affection, love, and attention. Every child must feel loved and protected to develop well.

Encourage your child to play, play with them, and make sure they are getting quality sleep. Being active and going to bed early contribute to your growth.


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