Ties of Love Card - 7B

Delivery Plan

Pregnant woman, organizing what you will use in the place where you will give birth prevents rushing and forgetting things at the last minute. For this moment, you should:

  • Prepare a bag or large purse with clothes for you and the baby to leave the hospital.
  • Take your ID document.
  • Take your pregnancy card or notebook, if you have it.

In addition to this, and to have agility at this moment, it is important that some information is available for people near you.

Therefore, share the information below with your family, neighbors, and friends. Then, if needed, somebody can help you.

  • Name of the facility where you will deliver your baby, as well as address and phone numbers.
  • Who will drive you? Name, address, and phone number You can include more than one person.
  • If you already have children, please tell us who will look after them while you are away: their name, address, and phone number.

Thus, you will feel more relaxed knowing that everything is arranged and there are people who can help you.

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