Ties of Love Card - 5


Hello mom! I keep growing and gaining weight. Thank you for taking so good care of me! I can’t wait to be very close to you, be breastfed by you, be touched by you, and be loved by you.

You are full of "grace"! It is the light of the Lord that comes out from within you.

You need to have a diet rich in several nutrients, especially iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, iodine, and calcium, to be healthy and for the baby to grow and be born with a healthy weight.

Iron helps prevent anemia and is found in meat, offal, dark green colored vegetables, nuts, cashews, and peanuts. Iron from these foods is best absorbed when eating foods rich in vitamin C and A together at the same meal.

Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and avoid infections and bleeding. It is found in fruits, especially citric ones, and raw vegetables.

Vitamin A helps to prevent diarrhea and infections, protects the vision, and helps in the baby’s growth within the uterus. It is found in orange and red vegetables, dark green leaves, yellow fruits, palm trees, milk, cheese, and egg yolk.

Iodine is important for the baby’s growth. It is found in table salt, fish, and shellfish.

Calcium helps form and maintain strong teeth and bones and is found in table salt, fish, and shellfish. Calcium helps form and maintain strong teeth and bones. It is found in milk, cheese, curds, yogurt, dark green leaves, sesame seeds, and small fish.

Drinking coffee, black tea, milk, or chocolate products around lunch or dinner time makes it difficult for our bodies to absorb iron from foods.

Rice and beans are a nutritious dish. Fish with flour too. These dishes are even better if you eat them along with vegetables and fruits.

Avoid processed foods such as cookies, snacks, soda, artificial juices, instant noodles, and processed seasonings, among others.

In addition to taking care of your diet, it is important for you to prepare with love and knowledge, to better offer the best food for your child: breast milk.


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