Step 1: Welcome and Prayer
At the beginning of the meeting, it is important that you, the leaders, warmly welcome each other and have a moment of prayer to strengthen fellowship, unity, and faith.
2nd step: see
Carefully read the indicators found in the "Summary of the month" button in the application. It is important to see the indicators of the month that are being evaluated and those of the previous month to see the changes that have happened. For example: if the RRA refers to the month of May, it is important to see the indicators for May and April. It is important to note whether there was an increase or decrease.
Step 3: Judge and Act
For each indicator, based on the difference between the months studied:
- Identify the positive points, such as the increase in the number of children monitored, and the points of attention, such as the decrease in the number of pregnant women. It is important to evaluate each indicator.
- At each point of attention found, record it on the Community Actions Record Sheet so that action can be taken to resolve the issue. Points of attention that cannot be resolved in the community must be brought to the attention of the parish coordinator, by the community coordinator. If it is not possible to resolve locally, you can request help from the National Coordination of Pastoral Care for Children through the Mail button on the application's home screen, providing the necessary information and what has already been tried. It is important to always try to troubleshoot locally first. The record sheet remains in the community, for evaluation next month.
Step 4: Celebrate
Share the achievements obtained in the Pastoral Care for Children at the meeting itself and plan a community moment to celebrate the achievements (which does not have to be monthly).
- If you have planned it this time, record it on the Community Action Record Sheet. It can help break down the tasks that need to be done to celebrate achievements.
Step 5: Evaluate the meeting and plan the next one.
Evaluating the meeting
Planning the next meeting
Participants can:
- talk about what they learned and what could be improved;
- check if the solutions found can help other families;
- review the developed actions and planned activities.
Who is going to do:
- welcome;
- prayer;
- location preparation;
- the snack;
- the coordination of the meeting, etc.
At the Reflection and Evaluation Meetings (RRA), leaders will find ways to solve some problems. To resolve issues that affect multiple families, it may be necessary to bring together branch coordination and community institutions.
Let us be attentive to one another and encourage one another to fraternal love and good works. Let us not abandon our assemblies, as some are used to doing. Rather, let us try to encourage one another. Heb 10, 24-25
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
- >
- Reflection and Assessment Meeting
- >
- Steps to carry out the reflection and assessment meeting
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
- >
- Practice of the Meeting for Reflection and Evaluation
- >
- Steps to carry out the reflection and assessment meeting