Leader, the home visit is the moment which you will be closer to the followed-up families and will be able to:
- value what families do well to take care of their children;
- talk about pregnancy;
- talk about the care and education of children;
- warn about danger signs for the health of pregnant women and children;
- identify unfavorable situations for the child’s development;
- notice possible problems and difficulties faced;
- look for ways to solve these problems together.
With each visit, you and the family become more friends. The family feels more confident to talk about their joys and difficulties, as they feel that you are discreet and do not talk to other families about their problems.
On the first visit to a family with a pregnant woman or child, you must introduce yourself, explain how the Pastoral Care for Children works and ask if they accept to be followed up. In the following visits, the family gets to know better the mission of the Pastoral Care for Children and how you work. And you also get to know what the family does to take care of the pregnant woman and child.
During visits, it is necessary to listen to what people in the family have to say and try to help based on their needs, always respecting what they think and believe. Thus, you, the leader, become a partner who walks together, who is always close, to support and guide.
With the support of the e-Guide and the Home Visit and Nutrition App, you can reinforce family and pregnant woman’s care and behaviors that favor the creation of a favorable environment for the child’s development and a good pregnancy.
To help families care for pregnant women and children, sometimes just a simple orientation is enough. In other situations, it may also be necessary to ask for help from the people in the Child’s Pastoral, the Church, and public services, such as health, education, and social assistance.
When you do not know how to answer a question, do not worry, because nobody knows everything. Say you will look for the answer and bring it to them at the next meeting.
It is necessary to sugarcoat the pill about more delicate situations not to hurt either the family or the child. The 10 Commandments for Peace in the Family, a tool that will be studied later, can also help in these conversations.
It is good to arrange with the family the best time for visits, so as not to disturb the household routine. During visits, invite the families to participate in the Life Celebration Day. Remember to inform the date, time, and location of the celebration, and show how important the attendance of the child and parents is at this time.
Leader, always use the Home Visit and Nutrition app to carry out your visits. With the app, the visit becomes more dynamic and participatory, as you can show images and videos to the mother and child, as well as be able to share virtual cards of Love Ties and Nutritional Monitoring.
Note: If you can’t use it, take the Leader’s Notebook with you and other Pastoral Care for Children work tools that you may need, such as Love ties and a measuring spoon.
"Peace exists When the human being recognizes in the other a brother or sister with the same dignity."
Pope Francis
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- The pregnancy
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- The home visit
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
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- The pregnant woman
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- The home visit