Making Musical Instruments

  • Drums

 Material: five or six cans of varying sizes, sticks for drumsticks, masking tape or cloth strip.

How to do it: tie the cans together or secure with masking tape.

  • Rattle

 Material: small cans or round metal containers.

How to do it: put seeds, pieces of wood or anything that doesn't make a very shrill noise inside the can. Close the hole in the can very well so there is no danger of it opening and a child choking or putting seeds in their nose.

  • Small Coconuts

 Material: coconut shells split in half.

How to do it: sand and, if you want, paint to taste.

  • Rattlesnakes

 Material: a piece of thick wire, bottle caps, large buds or seeds, a piece of wood.

How to do it: pierce the caps, seeds or buttons and insert them into the wire. Join the ends of the wire and secure them to a piece of wood or thick cloth. Another way is to attach the caps to the wood.

  •  Plates

 Material: two aluminum lids of milk powder, chocolate or other cans. corks or small plastic caps.

How to do it: nail on one side of the stopper or plastic cap.

  • reco-reco

Material: a 30 cm piece of broom handle or wood; a plump piece of wood.

How to do it: make a few cuts on the broom handle at a small distance from each other.

  • Drum

 Material: medium or large can, two sticks for drumsticks.

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