How to make chalk, pencils and brushes

  •  Homemade chalk

 Material: wall plaster, colored checkered paint, bowl.

How to do it: place the dough in a deep dish or bowl and add the checkered powder until it is ready to roll. Make short, thick rolls and place them to dry in the shade. Use to draw on paper or on the floor.

  • Pencil

How to do it: take advantage of pieces of charcoal, brick, stone for children to draw on paper or cement.

  • Rope brush

 How to do it: tie a piece of sisal or cod rope to the end of a piece of wood, joining the threads well. Wet to get it right, cut the protruding ends that can create a double line.

  • Cloth brush

 How to do it: apply glue to the end of a stick or stick, wrap some cloth and tie at the top to make it stronger. It can also be done just by rolling the cloth and tying.

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