How the baby can learn and develop

The arrival of a baby in the family and community brings many joys. Parents have a responsibility to lovingly accept the task of caring for and raising their children. And they must do so in accordance with their values, their customs, and their faith. One of the parents' first demonstrations of faith is to introduce the child to their religious community. In Catholic families, baptism is the sign of a person's entry into the community of the children of God.

 First days of the baby!

In the first few days after delivery, some mothers may feel sad and unwilling to take care of the baby for some time. It is important to encourage the mother, with care and affection so that she can take care of the baby. Also, talk to your partner and family and encourage them to observe the relationship between mother and child.

It is also important to observe how the mother and baby are related. During breastfeeding, brain connections are formed, and affective interaction grows more and more. The exchange of loving looks during breastfeeding, soft words, gentle touches, and care, as well as holding, makes the baby feel loved and protected. Parent-baby interaction needs to be encouraged.

The first days of a baby's life are surrounded by many stimuli, such as sounds and noises. He notices stimuli, feelings, and emotions. Babies calm down when their parents hold them, talk to them, sing to them, or rock them gently.


The baby learns and develops!

In the first months of life, the baby is already able to pay attention to the movements and sounds around him.

Leader, check if the mother smiles at the baby and if the baby responds with another smile. When the parents smile at the baby and he responds, it ends up showing the good relationship the baby has with them and that the baby likes this attention showing the good relationship the baby has with them and that the baby likes this attention. At this stage, what they like and need most is to stay with their mother, father, or whoever always takes care of them, because of the bond of trust that is established.

To develop these new skills, it is possible to offer activities that favor this learning, such as holding them, walking outdoors, talking, singing, clapping, hugging them, and saying that we love them very much.

The baby likes to look, move, and play with his little hands, which are more open. They can already look at and pick up things that are placed close to their hands, such as rattles and other colorful objects. They take everything they take into their mouth, as the baby's mouth is a source of pleasure and discovery.

It is very good to encourage the body games of rolling over, crawling, lying on their stomachs, and holding objects. Peekaboo! It's easy and fun. It stimulates the baby's cognitive, emotional, and affective development and helps to notice the absence of the parents and later to deal with frustrations. The family should always offer different opportunities and encourage small achievements.

Domestic accidents    

The family needs to be careful not to leave clothes or plastic near the baby, as they could suffocate. Threads and cords near the crib or pacifier cords around the neck are also dangerous, as the baby can hang themselves.

We know that the baby needs to be comfortable to learn and control its movements. They even need someone’s help to change positions: to be on their side, on their back, or on their belly. Therefore, they can see different things around them, control their head movements better and better, and strengthen their arms.

Holding the baby in your lap favors its development. Giving a hug is never too much, and in situations of crying and fear, it prevents stress.


In addition, talking calmly, being patient and paying attention, playing, having moments of leisure, and supporting them in their experiences and achievements are very important. Massaging the baby's body offers well-being, activates blood circulation, and helps them perceive their own body, in addition to strengthening the affective bond.

Offering a family environment of love, respect, affection, and care is also essential for the baby's whole development.

Domestic accidents: Small children should not hold the baby in their laps themselves, as they can hurt them or drop them.

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