
Telling, reading varied stories to children, giving them the opportunity to tell and invent their stories, inviting parents and family members to tell stories and stories, what a good activity for adults or teenagers to do in their communities! And to help them, we're going to give you some ideas on how we can tell stories.

To tell a story well, whether with the support of a book or just orally, it is necessary to create a “climate” of involvement, of enchantment.

Invite the children, but respect their willingness to hear the story or not. Find a place where everyone feels comfortable.

Knowing how to give children time to imagine, to create the scenario of the story, to know the characters, to feel their emotions, to face their challenges, to imagine themselves as one of the characters.

Books and puppets should be placed in a place where children can pick up, see, "read the book" if they want to tell their own stories.

Telling stories with books, pictures or puppets

When the story is told with a book or other material, children need to be seated so that they can see the material well. If the story is told with a book, the adult or teenager should read the title, the name of the person who wrote it (the author) and the person who made the drawings (the illustrator) so that children can learn about these professions and also so that they can choose the authors and illustrators they prefer. They also need to allow time for all children to see the drawings, observe what is written, even if they cannot read yet.

Usually after hearing and seeing the story, children like to pick up the book, the puppet and the adult or teenager should allow it. He can also encourage children to tell another story, using the same material.

Telling stories with little or no material

Many stories can be told using only the voice, the body of the adult or teenager or very simple and easy to achieve things:

  • tell tales and legends of your region, to be interesting and hold the attention of children, the adult or teenager can make different voices, gestures and body movements; you can use pieces of cloth and wrap yourself in them, use some simple material to make noises and other things you want to create;
  • tell stories in which the characters are the children themselves, in cases or adventures that the adult or teenager invents;
  • do dramatizations in which children can choose to play characters, while the adult or teenager tells the story.

Tale moment

The storytelling moment can also be organized, in which parents, grandparents, family members, people from the community can tell stories from their own community, as well as stories they heard when they were little, or any other stories for children.

Workshop with parents and family

 Organize a workshop with parents, grandparents and family members to make:

  • assorted puppets;
  • simple books with stories created by parents or children themselves. Books can be made with cardboard from boxes or cardboard, prints from magazines or drawings of

Once the materials are ready, parents can tell stories to the children using the materials they created.

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