
Up to six months old, the baby only needs breast milk. It is good to explain to the mother that powdered, boxed, or packaged milk and milk taken from a cow do not have the same benefits as breast milk.

Babies who are fed other types of milk are more at risk for pneumonia, diarrhea, ear infections, allergies, and urinary tract infections. In addition to babies suffering more from these diseases, they also appear with greater severity. This is because the baby's body's defenses are not reinforced with the protection that breast milk provides.

The mother or family member should not offer other foods or liquids to the baby before six months of age, this increases the chances of him abandoning breast milk and does not bring any benefit to his growth.

"Happy is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you." Luke 11.27

Help in the first days of the baby

 Leader, in these early days your help is much appreciated. Encourage the mother by showing her how to breastfeed better. Try to resolve any difficulties that arise with her and the family. Try not to let the mother be discouraged from breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding should be pleasant for both mother and baby. There are several good positions for breastfeeding. In one of them:

  • the mother holds the  baby bottom with her hand;
  • the baby’s head is supported in the mother’s arm;
  • the baby’s belly is close to the mother’s body.

It is important to remember that the baby only needs breast milk until the 6th month of life, it is not necessary to give water, tea, or any other liquid, food, or supplement. Breast milk meets all his needs during this period.

Baby’s good latching on the breast

 Show the mother how to latch well so that the baby sucks well and does not hurt her breast. For this:

  • The baby should be awake.
  • The baby’s mouth should snap the whole nipple and most of the areola, which is the dark part around the nipple.
  • The lower lip should be turned outward.
  • The baby’s chin should be touching the breast.

The baby usually sucks, takes a break, and sucks again. The mother can hear the baby swallowing the milk. Even when the baby is latching well, the mother can feel some tingles at the beginning of the feed. This is the baby sucking.


Breastfeeding time

There is no exact time for breastfeeding. Some babies "devour" milk quickly; others drink it very slowly. For the baby to gain weight adequately, it is important to let him empty one breast well before changing breasts, as the milk at the beginning of the feeding is different from the milk at the end of the feeding. When the baby starts to feed, the milk has more protein, and at the end of the feed, it has more fat.

The mother may notice that the breast has emptied when the breast volume becomes smaller or when the baby stops breastfeeding because there is no more milk.

In general, babies cannot empty both breasts. If the baby no longer wants to breastfeed, it means that he is satisfied. It can happen that some babies sleep during a feed and still haven't had enough east feed, it means that he is satisfied. It can happen that some babies sleep during a feed and still haven't had enough. In these situations, it is important for the mother to wait a few seconds to see if the baby is breastfeeding again or to gently wake him up by tickling his feet or passing a wet cloth over his face.

Leader, instruct the mother to start a new feeding:

  • by the breast that the baby did not suck in the previous feeding;
  • or if the baby was breastfed on both breasts, by the last breast he breastfed, as this may not have been used.

Breast milk should be offered whenever the baby wants it. This means that there is no need to set a time between feedings. It is the baby who decides when to breastfeed, and this helps him gain weight quickly.


 Important guidelines

  • When removing the baby from the breast, the mother should place her pinky finger in the corner of the baby's mouth. Then, they will release the breast without hurting it.
  • After breastfeeding, the baby should be placed on the lap, with the back and head well supported. If he swallows air, he will burp. No need to pat the back or shake the baby.
  • To keep the breast clean for the baby, it is enough for the mother to bathe every day and change her bra whenever it is wet.
  • It is common for a baby to go a few days without pooping. This happens because they take advantage of all the milk they suck. Baby poop is soft, yellow, or greenish-yellow in color and comes in small amounts. That is not diarrhea.
  • The father cannot breastfeed, but he can support the mother. This way, he increases his bond with the baby. He can, for example, bring the baby to feed, burp, change the diaper, talk to him, and sing to him.
  • The breastfeeding mother should not smoke, drink alcohol, or use other drugs. Medication should only be used with medical advice. Substances from cigarettes, drinks, and some medications pass into the milk and can harm the baby. Therefore, the breastfeeding mother needs to be more careful, for her own good, for her baby, and for other people in the family.


At this stage, it is common for the baby to have colic and may become more restless and cry more. This happens because the baby's intestine is adapting to receive the mother's milk; previously, they received food through the umbilical cord and did not need to digest the food; the nutrients were already ready. Try to make circular massages on the baby's tummy and change their position. It is important to remind the mother that this is just a phase and that it will pass. Also mention that it is common for a baby at this age to go a day or two without having a bowel movement.


On the Home Visit Application, there is the question below: 

What was the baby fed with since yesterday?

(  ) breast milk

(  ) Formula (powered milk)

(  ) Cow and goat milk

(  ) Water or tea

(  ) Juice

(  ) Other foods (baby food, fruits, soup…)

This question will appear on the home visit for babies younger than six months. The question wants to find out which kinds of milk or foods were given to the baby since the day before the visit. For example, if the baby only received breast milk, just check this option. If the baby has received other milk or food, check the corresponding option. It is possible to check more than one option.

This question is intended to find out if the baby is breastfeeding only at the breast, which is recommended for children under six months of age. If not, the proper guidance will appear on the application screen.

In the "Learn more" section of this question, you will find the topic "General guidelines for children under 6 months", which can be shared with the mother. The same is found in the supplementary content of this step.


In any house you enter, say first, 'Peace be in this house!’. (Luke 10.5)

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