Doing is knowing. During the home visit, the celebration of life, and the reflection and evaluation meeting, we learn more and more.
By doing these activities and continuing the training, that is, deepening and updating knowledge, exchanging experiences about the situations of families, we become increasingly confident and prepared. This way, we have more chances to discover how to contribute to the promotion of families, as the reality we find is very challenging and requires constant updating. Action and training help us feel more capable and happier.
Continuous training is a right of pastoral care for children leaders. This training takes place mainly in the Continuing Integrated Training Workshops (OFCI), which must be carried out at least once a year with the support of coordinators and trainers, and in the Reflection and Evaluation Meetings (RRA).
Thus, the work in the Pastoral Care for Children is weaving in each community a network between all the people who are involved in it: leaders, families, coordinators, and trainers. All together, they form a community network of support, solidarity, and love for others.
Leader, by acting in the community, you are united with all the people who contribute and have already contributed to the pastoral care for children, realizing its mission. Thus, it makes the seed that was sown in 1983 grow and become a great tree.
In this tree, the sustaining root is love. It is this experience of God in us, for us, and with us that is the root of our lives. God is love. With Jesus, we learn that love is the concrete practice of self-giving and martyrdom. Faith is the expression of love in everyday life. Faith is movement. Faith is life.
The trunk is formed by the basic actions of health, education, nutrition, and citizenship. On the branches are the complementary and optional actions that the community needs. The fruits are the results achieved in the communities.
"If the root is holy, the branches are also holy. Realize that it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you." (Rom 11, 16.18)
Leader, you are finishing your training in the Leader's Guide. You are a special person because you chose a mission that requires commitment, dedication, and a great love for others. But you and the other leaders in your community are not alone. They are now part of the great network of love, solidarity, citizenship, and peace of the Pastoral care for children!
Now you are a missionary disciple of Jesus because you accept his word, his person, his project. You become a shepherd like Him, and you go, above all, to the neediest with the attitude of the one who loves, who cares, who guides, who warns, and supports.
The performance of everyone in the Pastoral care for children, and especially of you, the leader, is a daily choice for the full life of children and pregnant women.
"They praised God and were esteemed by all the people. And each day the Lord added to their number more people who were being saved." (Acts 2,47)
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- Learn more
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- The strength that comes from the brothers
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
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- More information about Child’s Pastoral
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- The strength that comes from the brothers