The Reflection and Evaluation Meeting (RRA) is the moment when leaders, together, can study the situation of the families they follow up with, discuss the results of each month, and be encouraged to seek solutions to the difficulties found. It is recommended that it take place in the first ten days of each month, based on the information collected in the previous month.
The study method of See, Judge, Act, Evaluate, and Celebrate, the same used in the face-to-face meetings of this training, will help to organize, and carry out the RRA. This meeting is based on the indicators that appear in the "Summary of the Month" button on the main menu of this application and on the experiences of you and the families you follow up with. These indicators guide reflection and discussions about pregnant women and children. The Community Actions Record Sheet is also used. Support in the Bible, the contents of this training, and other available materials enrich the reflection made at the meeting.
Before the meeting, it is essential that each leader has synchronized their application so that information about the children and pregnant women they follow up with appears in the "Summary of the Month" (only works with the internet). With the information available from each leader, it is easier to see and judge the situation of children and pregnant women in your community. This makes it possible to plan the Act to try to change this situation. With this, it is also possible to evaluate and celebrate each progress achieved.
Through the synchronization of the application made by the leaders, the International Coordination of the Pastoral Care for Children in Brazil receives information about pregnant women and children in their country, which is available on the Information System. This makes it easier to find out:
- how is the health of pregnant women and followed up children;
- how children are growing, learning, and developing;
- what is going well along the way and what actions need to be strengthened;
- and the results achieved.
The data of each community can be seen on the internet, on our information system, through the link
Community Actions Record Sheet
To help carry out the Reflection and Evaluation Meeting (RRA), the use of the record action sheet in the community is recommended. It is noted:
- Date of completion of the sheet.
- Points of attention that arise after evaluating the indicators in the "Summary of the month".
- The cause that caused this point of attention.
- The action that will be taken to resolve this point of attention.
- Who will be responsible for the action.
- When will this action be performed.
- How the action is being carried out (this data will only be posted in the coming months, to see if the action worked or not).
Every month, after evaluating the indicators in the "Summary of the month", the leaders must go back to the previous month's record sheet and check if the actions were carried out and, if so, mark an X in the "Accomplished" column. If not, mark an X in the "Not Accomplished" column and schedule a new date to carry them out.
Access the sheet here.
Registration Date
Point of Attention: (What was the problem? What is the case with a pregnant woman and/or child that needs more attention? (What is the leader's question or difficulty?)
Cause: What is the cause of this situation? Educational materials can help with identification.
Action (what will be done to correct the cause of the identified problem)
Who? (Responsible)
When (Deadline)
How's the action? Not carried out, carried out, canceled, forwarded to a higher level
filled in by
Community Coordinator
Scored by
Parish Coordinator
Date of evaluation with the parish
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
- >
- Reflection and Assessment Meeting
- >
- Reflection and Assessment Meeting (RRA)
- e-Capacitação
- >
- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
- >
- Practice of the Meeting for Reflection and Evaluation
- >
- Reflection and Assessment Meeting (RRA)