In the world we have built, is everything good? Are people, especially children, being cared for, protected, and educated?
Looking at the reality of our country, can we say that everything is in order? In 1983, when the Pastoral Care for Children was created, many children died of diseases that could be prevented. At the time, a challenge was launched: How could the Catholic Church in Brazil help save thousands of children from death?
And the Church, through the Pastoral Care for Children accepted the challenge! Jesus teaches us that Faith is Life, and it is manifested in love. Therefore, Pastoral Care for Children is at the service of Life, Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Pastoral Care for Children does not discriminate against religion, color or political choice; finally, it is open to everyone.
Pastoral Care for Children promotes the coexistence of respect for the dignity of people, the value of their differences, solidarity, and responsibility with their obligations and with the environment. It also seeks to denounce Injustice and lack of decent living conditions for all. These are some ethical values that guide the actions of the Pastoral Care for Children
"The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call " (Acts 2.39)
To face the challenge of saving the lives of the little ones and contributing to the creation of a favorable environment for their development, the Pastoral Care for Children follows up on pregnant women and children until they are six years old. Its work, as Jesus did, is for those most in need. It seeks to mainly act close to the poorest families, who face greater difficulties in living in very difficult conditions.
At Pastoral Care for Children, we believe that people should take responsibility for one another. One of the ways this happens is to actively participate in the achievement of social rights in the community.
The Pastoral Care for Children is present in the communities to act in the promotion of health and whole development of pregnant women, children, and their families. And this action takes place because there are people who commit to dedicating to, as volunteers, the mission of the Pastoral Care for Children. And in this mission, they share their knowledge, experiences, and a part of their time.
At Pastoral Care for Children, the volunteers can feel the joy to serve, learn how to listen, support people in their needs, practice humbleness, and respect others. Therefore, they live and demonstrate with their example a true work of Christian Charity. Therefore, in each community, people are called to become leaders of the Child’s Pastoral. At first, these people are prepared through the training from this Leader Guide so that they can expand their knowledge, exchange experiences, and then share them with the families they follow up with. The leaders also learn with the families, who bring their knowledge and experiences.
Let’s see how a leader contributes to the mission of Pastoral Care for Children?
They follow up with pregnant women and up to 15 children from families near their home, carrying out three activities:
- Home Visit.
- Life Celebration Day.
- Meeting for Reflection and Assessment.
With this, thousands of Pastoral Care for Children leaders, acting as good shepherds, who love and care for their sheep, are continuing Jesus' project here on Earth. During the Home Visitation, the leader can talk with no hurry with the pregnant woman, the child’s parents, and the family. With this, they can better understand the life situation and needs of the family to help them. Therefore, they also help to strengthen bonds of trust and friendship between them.
"I have come that they may have life and have it full." (John 10.10)
Every month, the leaders hold Celebration of life Day, when pregnant women, children, and their families gather to talk, celebrate, and strengthen ties of fraternity among all.
The third activity is the Meeting for Reflection and Assessment. In this monthly meeting, the leaders assess the work carried out and talk, learn more, and celebrate.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Col 3.17)
- e-Capacitação
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- Museu da Vida da Pastoral da Criança
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- Pastoral da Criança em Ação
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- Pastoral da Criança no ambiente familiar e comunitário
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- Stage 2 - Pastoral Care for Children Mission
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- Pastoral da Criança no ambiente familiar e comunitário
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
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- Mission Child's Pastoral
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- Pastoral da Criança no ambiente familiar e comunitário