Playing in the lap

What develops

Scholars reveal that holding a baby favors the development of babies' sensory and emotional skills. The physical contact of parents influences health, feelings and emotions. The mother's and father's lap is the comfort that every baby needs to develop safely and then face life's challenges with balance and loyalty. Kindness, tenderness, respect, as well as praying, babies learn in their parents' arms.

We know that the baby likes and needs the affection of a lap. He likes to be touched, kissed, to hear his parents talking and singing softly to him. The baby should not be held only when he cries, because then he will learn that only crying will he get the parents' attention. The baby is very smart and learns fast.

Type of joke

  • Hold the baby close to your eyes and heart. smile at him
  • Playing poetry and telling little stories.
  • Talking and making funny faces.
  • Snuggle the baby in your lap and speak words of affection, tenderness and love.
  • Create opportunities for acquiring new experiences.
  • Play with teethers of different shapes and colors.
  • Singing to the baby in a soft voice, it soothes and relaxes.

Photo: Collection of the Pastoral da Criança

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