Collective efforts (campaign)

 Collective efforts (campaign) in search of pregnant women

It is very important to find out about and follow up with pregnant women as early as possible to help them have a healthy pregnancy, a smooth delivery, and healthy babies.

To help the leader even more in this mission of going in search of pregnant women in their community, the Pastoral Care for Children encourages a collective effort in which the leaders choose one or more days to visit all the houses in the community in search of newly pregnant women, to encourage them to be followed up by the Pastoral Care for Children and to start prenatal care.

Even if the pregnant woman does not want to be registered on the first visit, share Ties of Love card 1A about the first thousand days and our health, and the 10 Commandments for Peace in the Family, which are found in stage 11. With patience, continue the effort to visit the pregnant woman and continue sharing Ties of Love cards, month after month, until she gets used to your presence and accepts being registered and followed up.

For every pregnant woman conquered, celebrate!

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