Playing is part of childhood and a necessity for child development. The playfulness of games allows children to learn through their experiences and discoveries. Stimulating children's imagination, allowing for a variety of experiences, is essential for them to learn more and more about the world around them, in addition to resolving conflicts and building resilience, which helps them to deal with day-to-day challenges, develop their self-esteem. , your relationship with others and enhance your sense of belonging. It is essential that we offer a favorable environment for the development of children with opportunities for varied play and the free choice of what and how to play. The participation of the family and caregivers in the games, without interference, respecting their space and decisions, shows respect for the child and promotes their integral development.
What it tells your child: Play is an important part of growing up and having fun. We will create spaces and opportunities for you to play freely and for us to play together. Play connects us with ourselves and with others and helps us develop our imaginations.
How you can do it: Create times and spaces during the day/week to play freely – you can just have a ball, paper and crayons, make your own play toys and let your child play freely. You can also play with them: hide and seek, play with a ball, jump rope, do puzzles, cook together, interpret drawings/pictures. You can play or create music together or build something with objects (boxes, roll holders, straws and cups) inside your house.
For Younger Children: Babies enjoy visual stimulation with color, especially in their first year. Try reading soft books together or playing with colorful toys or objects. You can also provide opportunities for babies and young children to be stimulated through other senses, such as touch. Touch water, sand, trees and other natural objects. Allow children to explore their internal and external environment with your guidance and support.
- e-Capacitação
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- Facilitadores em e-Espiritualidade
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- 7ª Sessão-Módulo 3
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- Developing a child's playful spirit
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Spirituality in childhood
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- Suggestion of interactions with children
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- Developing a child's playful spirit