Children learn by example. Act by example and do your best to be kind to all beings – people, animals, nature. Kindness is nourished in small daily gestures.
What it says to your child: We are all interconnected and interdependent. Sometimes a smile, a good morning or a thank you can change someone's day. When I'm kind, I show that I care and respect others.
How you can do it: Model gestures that show kindness. For example, in the community, helping your neighbors, spending time talking to them and listening to what they need and their stories. You can be an example of kindness by smiling at a stranger, caring for others, giving time to those in need, and sharing love. You can also be kind to animals and nature. Show that you care and that you accept your responsibility to care and protect. Use spiritual language daily and embrace relationships with all other living beings.
With Younger Children: Children will observe you and your behaviors and learn from you from the very first days of life. Even if they don't express it, your kind actions will and remain with them. They learn by watching those closest to them and then reenacting what they see. That's why your role as a parent or caregiver is so important to showing kindness. You are your child's role model. As children speak in concrete terms in the early years, you can try daily to use language that genuinely speaks about interconnectedness with others to develop your own spiritual growth. For example, you might say: Oh, that person was very kind! I am so happy when I hear the birds! How grateful I am for the person who helped us today.
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Spirituality in childhood
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- Suggestion of interactions with children
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- Kindness by example