Create spaces for children to become more aware of themselves, their thoughts and feelings, and how their actions impact their relationships at home and at school. This allows children to identify and self-regulate their emotions to respond to their own and others' emotions in a positive, respectful, and empathetic way.
What it says to your child: Emotions and thoughts flow through us every day and all the time! Things that happen to us, friends, people, animals we care for, nature, things we see or hear make us feel very different throughout the day. Some emotions and thoughts are difficult, others are joyful. It is important to take care of your heart and mind, listen to both, and find peaceful and gentle ways to deal with the emotions and thoughts that are most challenging.
How you can do it: Drawing is an activity that many children enjoy and with which there is a lot to learn. Drawing isn't just about helping kids focus and relax, it's a safe way to express emotions, thoughts and concerns. Create or draw a tree of emotions. A tree that shows various emotions and thoughts that you may have permanently in your home. At the end of each day, share your emotions and thoughts and reflect on some of the questions below:
- An emotion/thought that you are feeling strongly these days.
- Something that made you feel sad/happy/angry, and why.
- Something joyful you felt, thought caught your eye, or something that worried you.
- Did you feel any fear, something that scared you these days? If yes, what.
- Something that calmed you down.
Talk with children about ways to deal with difficult thoughts and emotions, such as breathing, counting, going somewhere that calms them down, and talking to someone they trust. Share how you deal with your own difficult thoughts and emotions.
With Younger Children: You first support children's self-awareness by identifying and naming the emotions they go through. At first it may be easier to name your child's emotions, I can see you feel sad, can you share with me why you feel sad?, and as they grow they will learn to name their own emotions as well as cope. with them. For babies, you can rock, hold, and care for them in ways that can soothe them. You can use common resources that are sensitive to your culture, such as playing and singing a lullaby or soothing music, telling a calming story, giving them a massage, singing a song to them, or holding them close to you while you share soothing words.
- e-Capacitação
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- Facilitadores em e-Espiritualidade
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- 10ªSessão-Módulo 3
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- Promoting Self-Awareness
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Spirituality in childhood
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- Suggestion of interactions with children
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- Promoting Self-Awareness