Appreciating Diversity

Create opportunities for children to explore and connect with the community and the wider world, the diverse cultural, ethnic, social and religious differences and similarities with others. It could be the relationships you have with people – friends, family, community members, co-workers – who come from diverse backgrounds and interacting in spaces where diversity is present.

What it says to your child: We live in a plural and diverse world, it is important to learn, appreciate, respect and value those - peoples, traditions, communities - who are different from us and to relate to them in a respectful way.

How you can do it: Learn about different festivities from different spiritual and religious traditions, go to a festival if you can. Speak respectfully to diverse groups of people, encourage your children to befriend all children, regardless of sex, ethnicity, race, religious or spiritual beliefs, culture, abilities, social class and nationality. Watch movies and listen to music that showcase diversity. Various religious scriptures also talk about diversity and respect for others, you can share a story from your religious or spiritual tradition that encourages you to embrace and respect others. Let your child ask questions, be curious to learn more about the diversity of the world. Encourage him.

With Younger Children: Talk to your child about their social, cultural, and religious norms. Talk to your child about your own childhood, including sharing the games and stories you played or heard as a child. As they get older, you can share stories from other cultures and religions to explore different ways of life. Read and show simple books that encourage diversity and appreciation of the other, answer your child's questions about social, cultural and religious norms with kindness and model of care for the other.

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