Being Grateful

Create spaces for children to recognize that our lives depend on each other and that we are who we are only in relation to each other. Reflect on our interconnectedness and interdependence of life, developing a sense of respect and gratitude for all living beings, including nature.

What you say to your child: We don't live in isolation. We are interdependent and interconnected. We live in a shared world where each person and nature contributes to who we are, our well-being and safety. It is important to respect and be grateful for each other's presence and support.

How you can do it: Through moments of pause, reflect on the experiences you go through and what you are grateful for. You can draw a gratitude tree and write down what you are grateful for and why: family, friends, home, food, nature, etc. Make time to connect with nature. Go outside, maybe to the park, breathe and enjoy the sounds, what you see, hear and touch – name them. Thank everyone for the gift of life: yours, your children, your family and everyone around them and always say how grateful you are for being part of each other's lives. Prioritize everyone's presence so that children learn to be grateful for the most meaningful aspects of life: being alive, being together, being healthy and happy.

With Younger Children: You can be an example of gratitude by thanking all those who care for you and your child and encouraging your child to be grateful too. Talk to them about the different people we are grateful for. If you visit the supermarket together, thank those who help you. Ask your child why we thank the supermarket clerk and explain why we thank him. Ask your child who they thank and if they can tell you why, ask them. Encourage them to think about all those we are interconnected with and for which we are grateful.

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