Stories are passed from generation to generation. God is mediated by stories and sayings that echo from ancient traditions, what we have heard and what our ancestors have told us. These stories survive in the written text, but they also survive in memory and retain their authority. This authority guides the new generation and is accepted as a kind of truth. The meaning behind the stories is not imposed on us, but suggested and vaguely defined – it is perceived but not conceptualized. The narrative takes place in the real world, but the story itself is not necessarily the real world. It's a different kind of world that allows us to explore and imagine something different. Children love stories, they unite the community in listening. The love of storytelling is part of being human. In Jewish tradition, it is said that the human being is not the only one who appreciates the narrative. The question is asked, “Why did God create man?” and the answer is given, "Because God likes to hear a good story."
What this tells your child: You are part of a timeless network that connects you to your ancestors and the future. You are interconnected with others, God, the Divine, Transcendent or Ultimate Reality and nature. You belong here and that's part of who you are.
How you can do this: Tell or read to your child stories from your religious or spiritual traditions that you remember hearing as a child. Talk about the moral of the story and what we can learn from it. Connect your stories to the past so they influence the future. Encourage your child to tell their story. As your child grows, encourage him to start telling popular religious or spiritual stories.
For Younger Children: Start by telling short, easily understandable stories for your child to understand. You can read or share stories with them before bed, or take time during the day to sit down together and listen to a story.
Tip Follow the topics Telling Stories and Stories and Tales and learn more about how to tell stories and tales for children and enjoy. At e-Toys and Play you have these and many other play tips! |
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