Believe in your child, listen to their dreams and aspirations, encourage them to imagine and pursue them from an early age. Whether climbing a tree or building a rocket. Assure them that you will always be with them.
Trust that they can do it, regardless of the outcome. Be with them, support them to build the rocket or climb the tree. Trust and believe when they share their feelings, ideas, frustrations, and achievements. Celebrate together.
What it says to your child: I trust you and you can trust me too. I will be here for you unconditionally.
How you can do it: Create spaces for your kids to imagine and build or do something unique and daring, it can be building a bird shelter or simply reaching for an object for the little ones. Listen to their ideas or invite them to think of something they would like to build or do. Let them take the lead. Trust their ideas.
With younger children: Be receptive when they cry or show challenging behaviors, listen to their needs, give them comfort, speak to them gently and respectfully, and show your understanding in difficult times.
Below you will find simple interaction ideas that can help develop children's spirituality. These activities can help you create a natural environment to build positive relationships and experiences with your children. These are not one-off activities, but they can be integrated into your routine and scheduled at home regularly. Daily interactions can be adapted for 0-8 year olds and beyond, but you can find additional recommendations on how to adapt these interactions with 0-3 year olds.
- e-Capacitação
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- Facilitadores em e-Espiritualidade
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- 2ª Sessão-Módulo 1
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- Building trust
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Spirituality in childhood
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- Suggestion of interactions with children
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- Building trust