Leader, explain to the parents and family that the child eats the same foods as the family, but in smaller amounts. Now that they are 1 year old and have more teeth, they can chew better.
They already like to try to eat and drink by taking the spoon and cup with their little hands. By doing this, they will learn to eat on their own, and when they are over a year and a half, it is likely that they will be able to.
It's good to tell the parents that the child is going to make a mess and that it is necessary to be patient. They like to fiddle with their food, and this mess is part of learning. If you fight with your child while they are eating or messing with food, it may give them more trouble to eat later, or they may stop enjoying their meals.
To avoid food waste, it is good for parents to put small amounts of each food on the child's plate. As soon as they eat what has been placed, the parents must add more food until they leave the rest on their plate or refuse more food.
When they eat together with the other people in the family, they eat better. They need to have a snack between meals, as their stomach is small and doesn't hold much food. For these snacks, it is good to offer fruits from the region. Children who eat fruits and vegetables from an early age receive greater amounts of vitamins, iron, and fiber, in addition to building healthy eating habits.
In addition to eating other foods, it is good for the child to breastfeed between meals. Breast milk continues to be a source of health for the child after the first year of life!
It is good to avoid giving the child sugar, coffee, canned food, fried foods, sodas, candies, snacks, and other goodies in their first years of life. They are unhealthy and take away the child's appetite to eat nutritious food.
You can share the sheet of general guidelines for children from 1 to 2 years of age with the family, which is in the "Learn more section of the home visit question "Does the baby breastfeed?". The same is found in the supplementary content of this step.
"For in much food disease enters, and intemperance leads to colic. By insatiable gluttony many perished; but whoever is sober prolongs life." (Sir 37, 33-34)
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Basic Guide from pregnancy to 2 years old
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- The 1- to 2-year-old child
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- Food and breastfeeding
- e-Capacitação
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- e-Guide from pregnancy to 6 years old
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- The child from one year to one year and five months
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- Food and breastfeeding