How the child can learn and develop

The baby is learning from everything he sees, feels, hears, looks at, and touches. Stimulation always happens when we pay attention, when we take care, and when we look and see what children are doing and discovering.

Leader, instruct the family that it is very important to hug the child, hold, talk firmly and gently, walk hand in hand, watch the trees sway, the birds sing, encourage the exchange of affection, sit on the floor with them to build a toy, read a story, play a musical instrument, these are ways to stimulate the integral development of children.

Contact with nature, conversation with adults, and interaction include showing things around, telling stories from the Bible and magazines, and telling stories about family members. These activities interest the child and develop their language and thinking. They can learn little prayers and pray together with their parents at mealtimes, before bedtime, and upon waking up. They can also learn their name and their parents' and siblings' names. Drawings, photos in books and magazines help in the neurological development of different skills, such as speaking and communicating.

In this age group, they like to show more autonomy, walk better and better, run a little, and climb everything. On the stairs, they crawl up and down while sitting. If someone gives them a hand, they can walk up the stairs. They enjoy playing with other children, walking outdoors, and admiring nature, and they are already able to trust the people who take care of them. Although they are normally in a good mood, they sometimes show mood and behavior changes, throw tantrums, and cry. In addition, they are quite sensitive to the approval or disapproval of their parents or other adults. Parents need to be patient and always talk to their children.

 Make-believe play is also important because it allows the child to do in play what they cannot really do. And so, they begin to learn to recognize and deal with their own limits and the absence of their parents. 

Domestic Accidents: It is necessary to watch out that the child does not go out into the street on their own. When parents go out with them, they should hold their hands to avoid accidents.

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