The Celebration of life day Practice

This will be the first time that you, as leaders, will meet with all the pregnant women, children, and families that you are accompanying. For this, you will count on the help of the trainer, who will carry out the celebration of life with you. The organization of this day is based on what you have studied at this stage and on your creativity in preparing for this first meeting with the families. It is also possible to carry out this stage together with the celebration of life that takes place every month in the community.

Who participates:

  • leaders in training and, if there is one, support people from the community;
  • trainer;
  • pregnant women, babies up to five months of age, and their families, which have been followed up by you.

Activities to be carried out:

  • based on the activities described in the previous topic;
  • sending, by the trainer, the leaders to show their commitment to the Pastoral Care for Children mission.

Homework for this training stage:

  • Prepare and carry out, along with the trainer,Celebration of life day for pregnant women, babies, and their families, those who have been followed up by you.

At the end of the practice, it is the moment when the trainer sends the leaders in the presence of the pregnant women, children, and families they follow up with, celebrating their commitment in the search for a full life for all.


Sending Celebration

With great joy and invoking God's blessings, I send this community (the trainer says the name of each new leader) so that they can, with humility, respect, and commitment, continue what Jesus taught: "I came so that everyone may have life and have it in abundance" (John 10.10).

I ask that you, leader, pray this prayer and make it a support in your daily life with pregnant women, children, and families.

Prayer: Lord, God of tenderness, as missionary disciples in pastoral care for children, we commit to the mission of evangelizing in favor of pregnant women, children, and families in our community. Illuminate our steps and guide our actions.

Give us the Gift of Wisdom and send us in your love, with courage and humility, so that we can proclaim and live the Word of Jesus: "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" (John 10:10). Help us, Jesus, to be a generative source of life! 



How to inform in the home visit and nutrition application who participated in the Celebration of life?

In App Visit you have the option to answer questions regarding Celebration of life.

When you enter the Celebration of life menu, a list of months will appear, considering that you will only be able to fill in this item once a month.

Select the month corresponding to the Celebration of life day you want to report.

There will be two questions:

(1) Did the registered child attend Celebration of life?

(2) The child’s mother, father, or guardian helped in the Life Celebration? (prayer, snack preparation, games, etc.)

Under the questions will appear the names of the children and pregnant women you follow up with and in front, on the right, will appear two circles with the numbers (1) and (2).

If you select one of them, they will be in the question color. That means the answer is YES.

If you do not select, the answer will be NO.

Example 1: If the child attended, check option (1). If they didn't show up, don't check anything.

Example 2: If the mother or guardian helped the life celebration day, mark option (2). If they didn't help, don't check anything.

When finished, click the Save button

Remember to sync the data after saving.

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