Watching the Newborn Baby

When born, the baby's skin is smooth and covered by a layer of fat that protects them within the uterus.

Some babies have fine, long hair on their backs, ears, and faces. In general, within a week, they disappear.

The baby may have little dots on the nose, which look like small pimples. These little dots should never be squeezed, as they can get inflamed. Within a month or two, they will be gone.

The baby's head is large in relation to the body. The bones in the head aren't bonded together yet, so the baby has a soft spot.

Some babies can be born with these bones on top of each other. This is normal and happens to make it easier for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal. It is not necessary to wear caps to protect the soft spot. It closes as the baby grows.

At normal delivery, the baby can be born with a certain swelling in the scalp. This happens because of the pressure that the baby’s head puts on the cervix. In some days, the baby’s head will be back to its normal shape.

The baby can still be born with a swollen face or with marks or spots. Some babies may have a spot on their bottoms, which will also disappear over time.

Both boys and girls can be born with swollen breasts. This happens through the passage of the hormone from the mother to the baby's body through the umbilical cord. The breasts should not be squeezed. It can hurt the baby and cause inflammation. Gradually, this swelling will disappear.

The baby's belly is high and big. When they breathe, their belly rises and falls. The umbilical cord is thick, whitish, and moist. The baby's arms and legs are short in relation to the body.

Boys can be born with a large, fluid-filled scrotum (sack), which tends to shrink in the first few months. They can also be born with the scrotum (sack) empty, as the testicles have not yet descended from the belly.

Girls can be born with swollen private parts (large labia) and have a little whitish discharge or even small, dark bleeding that comes out of the vagina. This also happens through the passage of hormones through the umbilical cord. The mother need not worry, as it disappears in a few days.

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